A Guide to Choose the Best Caravan Awnings

Caravan awnings are designed for specific use and purpose in different conditions. Some include lightweight builds that are easy and fast to erect; others are meant for weekends while others are designed to withstand harsh weather elements. Some can stand the test of time for the whole season while some cannot. Follow this guide to learn more about caravan awnings if you are looking forward to pitching one soon.

Is it a full caravan or porch?

Before deciding on the frame, first, choose whether you are going for the full awning that completes the full length of your caravan or just a porch. The choice you are going to make between the two options solely depends on the way you want to use it. Remember full awnings gives you maximum space, so if you are on holiday, this could be the ideal option for you, even better if you are holidaying as a family. Full awnings will take you more time to erect than the porches, and it is worthwhile if you are staying out for a week or more. If space is important to you, caravan awning could be the ideal option. The flipside of caravan awning is that they are heavy to handle or transport. On the other hand, porches are lighter and easy to erect

How much space

Space you require for your dining area plus the chairs, a place to keep your bicycle, or other stuff that you need while camping like barbecue determines the type of awning you should erect. All these will guide you when searching for the right caravan awning.

Find out the size of caravan awning you need

You will find out the size of the caravan awning you need as expressed in centimetres according to the length of your caravan. The distance from one end of the caravan awning rail to the other end and down to the ground are A-measurements. Manufacturers and retailers have relevant information about the size and will tell you what is ideal for your specific caravan. If you have a used caravan and you are not sure of the measurements, you can as well take the measurements yourself. Make sure your caravan is on level ground before taking the measurements using a cord. You can find awning guides on the websites of most manufacturers and retailers, mention the type and model of your caravan and they will take care of the rest.

Type of frame

Framing option is in four distinct types, namely: aluminium, steel, air, and glass fibre. These options allow users to select what best works for them. The steel framing option is ideal for those who intend to pitch camp for a long time and in diverse weather conditions. The weight is not a matter to consider since it is used when transporting to and fro, and it remains at the park for the rest of the days you are camping. Glass fibre and aluminium option are both lightweight hence important when considering transportation payload. Also, they are comfortable and fast to erect since each pole will be easy to handle compared to the steel framing option. Air technology in awnings from Kakadu Annexes has brought revolutionary changes that have led to speedy and easy awning setup.

Type of fabric

Awning fabrics vary a lot from top-quality polyester to acrylic. They have different weight, look, and feel.

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